Volunteer With Us

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and hewill repay him for his deed”
– Proverbs 19:17 

The Peter Maurin Center always has room for help wherever we can get it. Volunteer for one of our special programs today!

To volunteer, contact Jim Orenga at jporenga@gmail.com or (330) 414-5639

Donate Meals

If you have a little extra in your pantry that you’d like to sponsor, we’d be grateful to fill a few bellies. We’ve already received prepared meals from churches, community groups, individuals, and families – but there’s always room for a little more!

Sponsor Meals at Peter Maurin Center
Dining Hall Volunteering

Dining Hall Volunteering

We serve weekly meals to members of the community and need volunteers to help prepare meals and serve them weekly. It often takes only a simple smile and conversation with our guests to make a difference. So, come on over, help a little in the kitchen, and enjoy a morning or afternoon with our guests of honor.

Student Service Hour Requirements

We’ve had many high school students helping out in and around our facility over the years. In fact, many of these students, who are now adults, have become a part of the Peter Maurin family. Students who join our team grow to love our community so much, that they continue volunteering for projects big and small well after high school. If you’re a high school student who wants to make a difference, our volunteering program is perfect for you.

We are open for lunch every Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday from11 am until 2 pm. We are also open on the second and fourth Saturday of everymonth from 10 am until 12 pm.If you want to volunteer any of these times, you must emailme in advance indicating the days you wish to volunteer. You will then get anapproval/disapproval email in return, depending on our needs.You must be 16 or older to volunteer.Thank you

Peter Maurin Center Garden

The Peter Maurin Center Garden

We have an entire garden dedicated to feeding our Peter Maurin Center guests. This garden is maintained by Let’s Grow Akron, but we’re always grateful to volunteers who want to help us sustain our wonderful greenery.

Become a Volunteer Today

Contact Jim Orenga at jporenga@gmail.com or (333) 414-5639